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New Release - Facing Tomorrow Without You

A memoir about my grief journey from heartbreak to hope.


Anneliese Dalaba

June 26, 2023


Final Book in the Arranged Marriage Series Available Now for PRE-ORDER

Determined to never marry, Kitty Haddington chooses to assist her father in his parish. After visiting an elderly parishioner outside of town, Kitty is caught in a snowstorm and injured while attempting to return home. Her infuriating rescuer seems oblivious to their precarious situation.


Anneliese Dalaba

February 21, 2022


Heaven...Your Real Home From a Higher Perspective

I finished listening to the audiobook, Heaven...Your Real Home From a Higher Perspective, by Joni Earekson Tada last week. As I've mentioned before, since my husband passed away, I have found comfort in reading about heaven. It gives me a glimpse into what he must be experiencing already—and all that awaits me. The reality of heaven has become more real to me.


Anneliese Dalaba

July 25, 2021